
This is the blog of The Learning Bean

22 August 2010


This morning I sat at my desk for a good couple of hours squinting at the computer screen and leaning in to get a fuzzy focus on what I was doing. So why didn't I go to the lounge room and get my glasses? Or the bathroom to put my contacts in??
I eventually did, and this is how it went;
  • I last saw my glasses on the coffee table, but the breakfast dishes are still there too
  • Took breakfast dishes to dishwasher but was still full of clean dishes
  • Unpacked clean dishes, packed in dirty dishes
  • Cold feet, so need socks
  • You know what really warms up cold feet? A nice warm cup of coffee!
  • Now that the coffee is ready I have a grumbly tummy. Maybe a piece of toast will fix that.
  • Don't want crumbs on the keyboard so I'll just take a tea-break in the lounge room
  • Look! There's my glasses... Better put them on before I forget
  • Pat the dog... oooh, there's that lumpy thing on her ear. Better call the vets!
  • I could put a load of washing in too while I'm working - I can hang it out at lunch time and that is multi-tasking, right?
So as you can see, staying put and squinting was actually a good thing this morning! During the week I leave at least one pair of glasses in the office, so it's only a Monday thing for glasses. Other days it's a pair of socks, a glass of water, a tissue, a blog that needs updating... all while the filing waits patiently.
(And in case you're wondering, this doesn't derail my day! For me right now "work/life balance" is about combining work and life, not separating them.)

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