
This is the blog of The Learning Bean

28 July 2010

Learning about cake

I did warn you that some of the stuff I learn everyday will be mundane, but as I look back over yesterday this is the thing that I will take with me to my future cake and coffee outings.

In a nutshell what I learned is this;
Always tip your piece of cake over so you can check the bottom for mould.
Fortunately for me it wasn't my piece of cake. My friend had eaten half the slice before the rest tipped over, and there was a clear patch of blue-green underneath. I'm not mentioning the cafe because they handled it well, and I'm convinced they had no idea that it was growing mould.

All the same, every time I choose a slice of cake from the display cabinet I will tip my piece onto it's side to check the bottom.

Oh, and for something I learned a long time ago while eating out with the same friend;
When someone says "Taste this" or "Smell this", don't! Not until you've asked them why.
I remember this same friend handing over a turkey baguette and saying "Taste this". Then once I had a mouthful saying "Does that turkey taste like it's off to you?" With the power of suggestion it did start to taste off then!

It's a good thing she's such a positive influence and a good friend, otherwise I wouldn't risk dining out with her again.

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